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How to Track Time: Tips for Time Management

How to Track Time: Tips for Time Management

To track time, you must measure and document the number of hours worked. This data is used to analyze efficiency and productivity in a business.

Time can be tracked using various methods ranging from manual methods of entering the start time and end time to using advanced time tracking and project management software. While tracking time, it’s not only important to register the number of hours worked but also track the activities that completed, the clients that you worked for and the projects you finished.

What this article covers:

How to Keep Track of Time Worked?

Paper Timesheets

The paper method is the simplest way to track time. All you need to do is, write down your tasks, the business function and how much time you spend completing them. You can monitor time in 15-minute or 30-minute intervals. This is great to use anywhere – even in the places where there is no internet connection.

The biggest problem with timesheets is that it is prone to errors as you can forget to enter certain tasks and other details, especially when you’re jumping from projects to projects. If you’re using it to track time for employees, it can be difficult to maintain physical records.


Another way of tracking time is by using Excel spreadsheets. This saves time and effort to write out an actual timesheet.

The benefit of using digital spreadsheets is that once you create a template, you can use the file for multiple projects. Unlike paper timesheets, spreadsheets can be backed up and stores effectively. They also allow you to generate reports on the data.

While the spreadsheet may be a better method of tracking time, it does not record the actual time spent on the task. Manually entering your time each time can become tedious and time-consuming.

Time Tracking Software

Time tracking software and project management software allow you to seamlessly track the time that you’re spending on each task.

The software is mostly used by small businesses and freelancers who bill by the hour. You can start a clock when you start writing and stop it when you’re done. There are apps that run automatically in the background to track time.

Before you decide to use the mobile and desktop time tracking apps, make sure it corresponds to your business needs and your budget. Choose a system that is easy to set up, has a simple, easy-to-use interface, allows smooth integrations and is able to generate comprehensive reports. You should be able to track team timesheets and assign time to projects.

What Is the Best Time Tracking App?

If you’ve decided to download a time tracking system, you can choose from the plethora of options out there.


A popular project management platform, Asana helps you and your team stay focused on the projects, daily tasks and goals.


With Boomr, you can track work hours easily across any device. Not only do you get real-time data but can also automate timesheets, employee payroll reports and overtime alerts.

Teamwork Projects

A cloud-based project management solution, Teamwork Projects allows you to see exactly how much time your team is spending on the projects. It has some great features that help you stay productive such as multiple timers, upcoming task import, auto pause and flexible time logging.


Basecamp is a project management tool that organizes your projects, clients and communication together.


Trello’s boards, lists, and cards enable you to organize and prioritize your projects in a fun, flexible and rewarding way.


Daycast allows you to plan your days so you can concentrate on high-value projects and accurately track your time while preserving your ability to pivot or reroute as needed.

Businesses which have updated to a time tracking system have experienced a number of benefits, from an improved understanding of how your workdays are spent to more accurate billing rates, better project workflows and greater transparency, time tracking can help your business